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my authentic me Feb 17, 2020

WHERE IS YOUR MIND AT! The time will come when you see that you have to be around those that have the same mindset, relationships, and surroundings. I only have so much mental real estate, so I have to be MINDFUL of what I’m paying attention to! If you have paid attention to my last few blog, then you will see a pattern.  If we want real and lasting change in our lives, then we must evaluate where our mind is at.  What are you focusing on?  Where is the majority of your time being spent?

Answer these questions honestly.  Are you spending hours a day watching t.v.?  Do you scroll through facebook & instagram most evenings? What steps are you taking to birth your purpose?  It is safe to to say that what we focus on becomes our reality. We must silence our surroundings so we can hear what God is trying to tell us! Your job is not to conform, but to be transformed  by the renewing of the mind! This is why it is vital to now where your mind is at all the time. 

I think we all can agree that whatever has control over your mind has control over you.  This is why we must protect it.  We must monitor who and what comes in and out.  We have to take inventory of what we are thinking on a daily basis.  It is not an easy task to do either.  I do not know about you, but a hundred thoughts can pass through my head in any given second.  It is crazy sometimes how that works.  

At the start of every day I have every intention on doing certain things that get me one step closer to where I want to be.  However, even with my best efforts people and situations come along that halt my progress.  There were many times that I took the bait.  I lost track of things and I would see at the end of the week I got nothing on my list done.  When I thought about what I had spent my time on I soon realized how much it I was wasting.  After awhile I had to learn that these were attempts to distract me. 

Please understand me.  Not everything is meant to distract you.  Life happens to us all.  We get sick, a loved one is in need, or work is just crazy. I am not saying to neglect your other responsibilities. I am simply saying be aware of what and where your energy is being utilized. Ask yourself does this need my immediate attention.  Can it wait or does it have to do with me at all?  Will my efforts be in vein if I get involved? Knowing the answers to these questions will help you decide how to best use your time. 

In the end, we need to be in control of what we are thinking and doing in order to reach our fullest potential. Be aware of possible distractions and never waste your energy on them.  This may mean saying no to a friend or passing up that overtime.  Whatever the case learn to focus on the things that get you to where you eventually want to be. 


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