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The Cycle Of Transformation

my authentic me Jul 27, 2020

Lately I  have been thinking about all the changes and stages that we go through in a lifetime. If We are in a constant state of growth. (If we allow it to occur)  Just when we think that we have a life mastered we find ourselves reaching for the next  level. We are going from glory to glory. For those of us that choose to follow this path there is a cycle that we follow.  It is like the metamorphosis of a butterfly.  We go through a  transformation.  It is hard, but so worth it.  Of course we are constantly changing, but the process does not.  

I started listing what I thought were the steps to a cycle of transformation a few months ago. To be honest I was having a difficult time putting pen to paper.  I had a few things written down, but it was not until I heard my Pastor, Toure Roberts, preach on a very similar topic that things clicked. I thank God for him because he gave me the words that I could not find.  

Cycle of Transformation

  1. Conviction - revelation of in proper alignment. Here is where to see where changes needs to occur
  2. Repentance- received conviction as true and ask for forgiveness. Change of mindset happens. This is a vital step where most stop because it takes action.  You cannot just acknowledge you need to grow.  You have to DO it.  Those that choose to stay stagnant here are those that end up unsatisfied where life has brought them. They tend to be more negative and have a grim outlook on life. They do not realize that if they put in some action that there lives would be transformed.  I have found that most feel that just knowing is enough or they are too scared to put in the work to change their surrounding. 
  3. Confession-1 John 1:8-9- confess our sins. Cleanse you from unrighteousness. This is the first step of action.  Here is where you take that leap of faith to change your life. You start to see the area(s) of your life that need to change and you begin to make those changes. 
  4. Endowment- grace for change/ power comes upon you to make that change you need to. Here is where you are given the tools and strength to implement what needs to be done. Let me be clear.  IT IS NOT EASY to take these steps and that is why God gives you what you need to make it happen.  He equips you so you can continue in your transformation.  Other wise we would stop here.  Our own human abilities are not enough.  Here is where you are leaving the old you and starting to step into the you that you are called to be.  
  5. Alignment- you take on the REAL characteristics of who you are. As we step into proper alignment we take on new traits and mindsets.  We must do this to be able to be the person we have been called to be and to step up to the next level life has for us. Here you will see the biggest changes in your surrounding. Your friend set will alter.  Old friends may leave and new ones may step into your life.  Maybe you will see a change in your career or home life.  Whatever happens do not be scared.  Keep going on your journey to becoming the REAL you!  The you that you were born to be.
  6. Transformations-As you become more aligned the new you will seem normal.  You will walk with more confidence and assurance of the new you. You will find more power in this stage.  At this point you may not even remember the old you. 
  7. General blessings-This is where the fruits of your labor are truly shown. Blessing will come from you allowing this cycle to take place.  Your outlook on life is brighter. Your relationships with those around you are more authentic and healthier.  Maybe you have found your partner in life or found your dream job.  Whatever it is I promise you that it will be a blessing and you would have never gotten here if you would have stopped. 

These are the steps we take continuously throughout our lives.  Put on paper they seem simple enough right?  We all know change is never easy, but it is so worth it.  Personally I memorized these steps because I find it easier to deal with life.  When I know what it is coming and where I am at it makes it easier to maneuver through what is thrown my way.  No one ever said life was a walk in the park.  If we allow the cycle of transformation to happen it does make it worth living! 


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