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Make Your Mind Matter

my authentic me Mar 15, 2021

Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you can’t- you are right.”  Some may choose to to dismiss the phrase but there is truth to it. Humans are cognitive beings. Everything we do and everything we feel originates in our mind as thoughts. These thoughts form perspectives and influence our decisions. Those decisions lead us to or keep us from action. The pattern of thoughts we choose to focus on shape the quality of our lives. 

Almost everyone has heard the saying “mind over matter”, but how easy is it to actually implement that into everyday life?  For some people it can be a daunting task. But fortunately training your mind using special techniques to overcome problems and manifest results is very doable .

What is Mind over Matter?

The mind in this context refers to your thoughts, beliefs and intentions.  And matter is the physical body and the environment. Mind over matter therefore means your mind having influence over your physical body and environment. Some call it will power. Some say it’s mental strength and resilience. You could even say that mind over matter is putting intention into action and committing to it no matter the adversity.

“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.” — Sigmund Freud  

We do not forget the trauma that life brings.  We either have the mental maturity to heal from it or we suppress it.  By shoving it deep in one’s mind does not make the feelings disappear. All it does is allow the individual to implement unhealthy mindsets and copying skills that will eventually fail in time. Once the effects of the trauma finally service you will find that they are more traumatic than before.  This is why developing the skillsets to learn how to focus and be aware of how we process or interpret information and respond accordingly, empowers us to have control over our emotional states instead of being led by them. Better communication within the self thus will improve how we communicate with each other. It is my belief that mental health is just as, if not more, important as ones physical health.  Until our head and mind are healthy, the body cannot be at it’s best. 

Several Proven Mind Over Matter Techniques

  1. Meditate. ...
  2. Visualize. ...
  3. Set an Intention. ...
  4. Talk to Yourself. ...
  5. Change Your Habits. ...
  6. Remove Temptations. ...
  7. Practice Self-Affirmation. ...
  8. Forgive.
  9. Move/Exercise

The above techniques are not mutually exclusive. You can use one on its own, or some or all of them. What works for me is a combination of the methods.

“Mind over matter” no longer has to be a saying that you hear other people embrace or talk about. Instead it can be something you actively practice to better your life and achieve your goals in the future. Try out the tips above to see what a difference they make for you in order to make your mind matter. 



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