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Judas Ate Too

myauthenticme Oct 26, 2020
Really take the time and think about this.  Jesus knew.
He goes into that room with His disciples. He knows He is going to be betrayed. He knows it is Judas who will turn against him. He knows that He has been sold out for a handful of silver. Stabbed in the back by one He has poured His life into.
Yet, in that room, hours before the death of Jesus, Judas ate too. Jesus fed Judas too. Jesus prayed for Judas too. Jesus washed Judas’ feet too. I struggle to fathom that kind of love. A love that would feed the mouth that deceived you. A love that would wash the treasonous feet of the traitor. A love that could forgive even the vilest of betrayals.
I honestly struggle to comprehend it. And then, suddenly, I realize that I’m Judas. And in that moment, I’m so thankful & altogether overwhelmed that Judas ate too.”
I thought I had “mastered” the skill of forgiving. My motto was “let go and let God.” Compared to the old me I was before coming to Christ I had come a long way. God had more for me in 2020. I could not figure out why I was feeling some things that I was and why I felt lead to reach out to those that had done me wrong. I told myself I had moved on & left that chapter behind. It was not until I read about Judas that it hit me. Jesus served someone that was close to him and betrayed him! He helped them! I use to think that was a sign of weakness, but I quickly realized that it showed true, authentic strength. Not only am I a Judas, but that level of love Jesus showed was not for Judas rather Himself. By demonstrating this level of love Jesus was not allowing bitterness or strife to enter into His heart. I was praying for a level of peace that no matter what happens we to me I would have the heart of Christ. I was just not expecting the lesson to be delivered in the way it was. What I once saw as weakness I now see as the ultimate strength. To be whole... to be obtain peace that passeth all understanding we must learn to serve(not commit ourselves) to those that spitefully use us. It is only then will we be able to face any opposition that comes against us and not falter. I don’t know about you, but I want to obtain that level of strength! 

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