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Flawed By Design

my authentic me Nov 15, 2021

We think of weakness and strength as opposites. To be strong is good and means to be without weakness. To be weak is bad and means to be without strength. Most of us want to be thought of as strong. We are concerned that people won’t think highly enough of us if we show our weakness.

What if I told you this mindset is the furthest thing from the truth? Paul was seemingly a strong man with a fruitful ministry. His ineffable visions of heaven strengthened him to endure much hardship and motivated his extraordinary labor for the gospel. He had seen the glories of where he was headed and could say, “To live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Phil. 1:21). But Paul did not boast in the details of his visions. He refused to boast in his strength, but boasted only in his weakness. Paul wanted people to think highly of Christ alone—to see his power.

Embracing Weakness

Paul embraced suffering. His inability to rid himself of the “thorn” (whatever it was) or avoid difficult circumstances showcased God’s power working in and through him. Paul preached the gospel, but God was doing the work of saving sinners and building churches. It was God who was strong.

As a Christian, one day Paul’s ineffable vision will be our life. We will rejoice as the strong, gentle hand of our Savior removes every thorn and wipes every tear away. For today, be strong by contenting yourself with weakness for the sake of Christ. Weakness and strength are not opposites but two sides of the same coin. When we are weak, then we are strong (2 Cor. 12:10)

Embracing your weaknesses and sharing your true self will make others feel comfortable doing the same with you. You'll start to see the people around you opening up and sharing their own weaknesses and struggles with you. This will allow you to build stronger, deeper, and more meaningful connections with them.
 Other benefits of knowing we are flawed by design are you’ll uncover your fears.  Fears can masquerade as weaknesses, which means that finding the courage to acknowledge your shortcomings may be the first step in facing your fears. Ask yourself the following question: “Am I genuinely bad at this particular thing, or am I just scared of doing it?”
You’ll develop self-compassion.  Have you ever felt inadequate because of a weakness? If so, you may feel ashamed and try to hide it. You may even feel that people would no longer accept you if they discovered your little secret. Accepting your shortcomings will foster self-compassion and allow you to stop beating yourself up.

You might ask how does one go about embracing weaknesses.  Start off by recognizing and accepting your weaknesses. You can't turn a weakness into a strength if you're busy denying the weakness exists. So your first assignment is to recognize that you have weaknesses and determine what they are.

Get guidance from someone you trust. Be prepared to do they work in order to improve in the areas where you lack. Remember that you are not trying to be the best. Your goal is to be your best! Then be proud withy our efforts and progress. 

Fully embracing your weaknesses is the only way to work on them. Doing so allows you to make positive changes in your life and creates opportunities for growth. Will you make peace with your weaknesses or will you work to only conceal them? Regardless of your choice, fully acknowledging them is the first step.  Not every weakness can or should be changed. Sometimes all you need is the courage to recognize it and accept that you can’t or shouldn’t do anything about it. After all, imperfections are part of being human. You aren’t a superhero, and no one is asking you to be.





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