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my authentic me Jan 20, 2020

Lately I have observed many friends, clients, and loved ones & there seems to be one core thread.  Too many of us do not know who we are.  People seem to be in a state of confusion about their purpose, where they belong, and even if they are meant to be here. This greatly saddens me.  We all have a purpose and a reason for living.  If you or anyone tells you otherwise, then it is a lie from the enemy. 

In a world driven by photoshopped images, snapshots of people's "perfect" lives, and so many trying to act like they have it altogether it is no wonder why we are confused. We can no longer tell realty from fantasy. When this happens, people start to  build their purpose on a foundation made of sand.  It is no wonder why so many souls are lost and just floating through life. There is no surprise why one day you maybe on a high, then the next suicidal.  You cannot be surprised  if you are unhappy with your job, friends, and love life.  Your questions of who am I and why am I here cannot be truly answered when you start with such a faulty foundation. You are setting yourself to fail.

If we want change, then we have to start building on a solid foundation.  We must be intentional in our thinking. Ask yourself why you do what you do and why you are the way you are. What are you passionate about?  What gets you out of bed in the morning?  What are your dreams and goals for your life?  We also must stop comparing ourselves to what we see on tv and social media.  The lie that so and so's life is way better must cease.  The mindset that everyone else has it altogether has to come to an abrupt halt. 

It is imperative that you know who you are and where you are headed because people will try and dictate your path.  It might be your parents, friends, or significant other.  If you do not know where you are headed, then you will be persuaded by others and fall off track. They might not be doing it to harm you, but the end result is still the same.  You will be like a ship without a sail.  Just blowing in the wind aimlessly.  This is how too many people are living today. This is why depression and suicide are at an all time high. 

There will be those that try to define you or put you in a box.  Some will intentionally degrade and belittle you because of their insecurities and fears.  We will all face people that due to their lack of dedication to change their own life, will make their best attempts to tear you down. Some will love the idea of you, but they will not have the ability to handle the reality of you.  Your light and determination scares them or makes them feel inferior.  When you come across these individuals it is vital that you know the real you so you can stand your ground.  You must have the strength to look them directly in the eye and tell them what you are truly made of.
My prayer is that we could live in a world where vulnerability and authenticity were praised as much as being fake.  Since this is not the case we must learn to dig deep within ourselves and find our true calling & do everything we have to do to fight for it to become a reality.


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