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I Would Rather Fail in Faith than Succeed in Fear.

my authentic me Jun 15, 2020

Have you ever worked for something and maybe did not fully reach the goal you had set out to achieve, but you learned so much?  The world calls this  failure.  Or do you seem to have it all (money, houses, cars, and great friends), but you are still depressed and unhappy? In the world's eyes they would be a success. 

This has always been baffling to me.  I  wonder how is it a failure when you were taught so many valuable lessons, make great memories, and grew so much during the journey?  And how is someone a success when their spirit is dying and all some can do is cry? 

The answer is what drives or fear? The way the flesh/world measures success compared to the spirit/God is vastly different.  We are made of flesh, but we are spiritual beings. It is like there are two sides that are in a constant battle for our attention. This is why one person's definition of failure and success can be so different in then our own.  It all depends on through what set of eyes you are looking.

I strive to view the world and everything in it through the eyes of God/the spirit.  I can see the things that are everlasting verses those that will pass away. Money, fame, houses, and cars are wonderful a sign of success to the world.  However, I do not put my faith in these things. I do not use them as a form of measurement for how successful I am or anyone else.  They are just the "extra" blessings that I am given.

My definition of success is faith based.  I ask myself ... Am I giving back to those around me?  Have I been a blessing to others?  Most of all, am  I doing what the Lord has called me to do?  Am I living each day in purpose or just filling my day with meaningless distractions to make myself feel/look important? 

Please let me clarify what I mean by distractions. If what you are doing in life is not what you were meant to do it is a distraction.  If you are living a life that someone else or society told you to do, then it is a distraction. If you think when you get that car, house, or significant other you will  "make it" or "be happy" it is a distraction.  You are building your future on the success of this world and it does not last.  You are slaving away in fear that you will not measure up to man's standards. These material things are worth working for, but not the core reason to do anything. They also do not make you successful.  By obtaining them they make you blessed!

Too many of us are falling for what society is defining as happiness or being a success. We are allowing fear to drive us instead of faith.  We will work ourselves to death, sacrifice our families, our friends, and our minds for these material things. Only to find out once we get them we are still sad, lonely, and depressed. 

We are spiritual beings above anything else.  It is in our DNA to create, to give, and be a blessing to others.  We are all born for a purpose that only we can do.  When you fall short of living a purpose driven life our souls cry out. It tells us that this what we are doing is  not what we are called to do.  Our souls remind us of our dreams and goals that we had when we were little. They ask us what happened or how did we get here?  This is why we can never truly be happy for the substance of our existence is not based on the spirit. 

If you find yourself tired, sad, lonely, depressed, or even suicidal you can change it all. Make the decision today to stop letting fear be the force that drives you and start letting faith lead the way.  Find what you are called to be and go after it with all you have.  Stepping out in faith and becoming the you that you were born to be is true success. 


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