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I Am...

myauthenticme Aug 31, 2020

Have you or  someone else ever asked want you want in life?  Have you ever been faced with the question how or why you think a certain way?  Could you answer these questions without thinking to much about them? Most of us have faced these questions, and to be honest, the majority of us are flustered with an answer.

The truth is the the vast amount of people do not know who they are at their core.  Nor do can they put into words why there are the way they are.  During 2020 God has forced us into a season to answer the I am...  He is shutting down the world so we are faced with our fears, demons, pain, blessings, and authentic desires.  This is a season of waiting and it is not the most comfortable place to be in. Almost everyone of us does not like sitting alone with their own thoughts.  That is why you find so many on their phones, laptops, social media, or t.v. all of the time.  We are a society that needs constant and consistent entertainment in order to distract us from the realities of life.  

The fact of the matter is as the body of Christ we can no longer live this way.  We must step up and step out in order to me who we are called to be in Him.  How can any of us be an effective witness if we do not even know ourselves?  How can we spread the gospel and do what we were born to do if we cannot even sit with ourselves for one afternoon? In all honesty...we can’t.

We must take this precious time God has given us to learn who He is and who are in Him!  John 1:20-28 Speaks about people asking John The Baptist who he is.  They asked him if he was Christ, Elias , or a prophet.  When he stated no to all three they asked him who he was! He quickly answered who he was in Christ Jesus.  He knew who he was, who he was not, who he was in God, and his why.  Just like with us today. There were assumptions of who and what John was by others.  The thing that made all the difference is that John he was.  

During this season make sure to learn the following about yourself:

1. Know who are you? - What is your “value” in Christ? You’re not an accident.  
2. Know who you’re not. - Stop comparing yourself to others. Knowing you you’re is equally as important as knowing who you are. Be the best you in the history of the world. 
3. What do you say about yourself? - You need to tell them who you are. John said “I am the voice crying in the wilderness”. Look into a mirror and say “This is who I am”. Not parents, society, or enemies. You must articulate who you are with clarity. “Focus-Pocus” Narrow this down. Your cause can’t be so general because you’ll lose focus. You’re not there to save everybody. But you’re there to influence “somebody”. It's like your Brand. 
4. Know your Why – What’s your “be-cause”? What is your Cause-For-Being? I am a voice for this generation. It’s not about you. Do you actually have a Dream or do you have a Scheme? 
5. Know who you are following and whose following you. - Church isn’t about a building but about accountability. Can you be counted upon? Have a “father” on one side and a “son/daughter” on the other side. You’ll always have a father/mother speaking into your life, while simultaneously speaking into the lives of others. You are a conduit in which spiritual knowledge, revelation, wisdom, and wealth gets transferred.  

God is realigning the physical church body. He’s making a new normal. He’s straitening the crooked ways. Many of you have left the church or never attended because you felt that you did not fit in.  Guess what?  You probably didn’t.  You have not fit in with the religious system that MAN has made.  The tide is shifting.  Now is the time for you to attain your rightful place in His Kingdom.  God is blessing us with a new, divine chapter where we can be our authentic selves.  With this though comes work that has to be done our part. You can’t be sitting around waiting for someone or something to tell you who you are. Stop looking for validation and affirmation from the world. We were put here to declare who we are to the world and not the the other way! You are looking too low to find who you are. Start looking above to search for the answers to your  I am and claim your rightful place! 


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