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Don’t Give Up Your Calling

myauthenticme Nov 09, 2020

In our society today, there is a characteristic that is not common to most people – perseverance! The human default reaction to difficult times in life is to give up and go another direction. However, if you are going to succeed in life you have to have the intestinal fortitude to face tough times & NOT give up and give in into your fears.  We live in a broken world and life can be hard & unfair. There will be situations when you come up against a great wall of trouble! Many of us hate this and will just want to throw our hands in the air and give up. 

To give up means to give over or give into the control or possession of another. To give up means to stop doing something permanently. In life when we stop seeking what is next we shut off any avenue of growth or improvement. The purpose of this blog is to encourage you to NOT give up!   

There’s nothing that you can ever be in life that is greater than doing what you were born to do. It’s the incontestable, undeniable mark knowing you are walking in your purpose.  Having the blessing that you are doing what you are passionate about. Knowing that everyday you wake up you are making a difference in this world by simply by doing what you love to do.

It comes as no surprise why some never reach their fullest potential. Life happens!  We are told starting as children what and who we are.  Trials and tests hit us hard. After so many blows we start to fall in line into the box that life has forced us into.  We loose  childhood dreams that were once so dear.  We forfeit the calling that was put in us from birth in order to take the path of least resistance.

I am not here to judge anyone for this choice.  We all have been there where we chose safety over taking the risk.  When life hits us so hard that we turned our backs on our dreams out of fear of failure. There is no shame in falling down.  The point I am trying to enforce today is that we must get back up!

Life is hard.  You will get knocked down. The road to living an authentic life is demanding at times.  But to live anything less than who you were born to be would be a travesty. 

You must learn to  value the calling more than friends, opinions, or fear. You may lose some things in different seasons, but you’re still called. Sometimes the fruit you produce in hard times is maturity. It may not be money, fame, or promotion. It may not be visible to the naked eye, but you are still growing!  

Once you decide and tap into the knowledge of your fullest potential and choose to never give up  nothing and no one can stop you from reaching what you  have been called to do. 

Here are just a few benefits when you live a life full of purpose:

1. Your calling can be despised but not stopped. It will get you into trouble because it irritates the opposition. Yet God prepares a table before you in the presence of your enemies. Don’t turn off your anointing to fit in.

2. Your growth will cause you to bypass those who stop growing.

3. When you walk in your purpose life doesn’t play fair. Your promotion will not be liked.

3. The anointing levels the playing field and evens the score. It adds knowledge supernaturally.

4. Growth brings you before kings.  You will have get those meetings and connections with people that at one time you only dreamed of having. 

5. Living an authentic life breaks yokes. Sometimes the breakthrough isn’t in science, therapy, or medicine. All of these are tools  to make one happy and successful. However, you can get all the therapy you want and true happiness will not occur until you live your truth!

We must learn to push through the struggles and face the fears. By doing so, we will learn to adapt. If you’re not being challenged, you’re not living life to the fullest.  If you follow someone else’s dreams, you won’t be as engaged and excited as you are when following your own. All of these benefits are good for your brain, as well as your soul. So never quit on the things that are important to you. Self-belief is the most important belief there is.


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