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Delayed But Not Dismissed

my authentic me Dec 21, 2020

Delayed is defined as the act of postponing, hindering, or causing something to occur more slowly than normal.  Dismissed is defines as o go; give permission or a request to depart. to discharge or remove, as from office or service.  Many people are thinking that they have been dismissed when in fact they are just being delayed.

A few days ago I was speaking with a client and they kept referring to  their time had passed.  They stated that the world has given up on them and moved on.  When I asked what made them come to this conclusion the reply I received hit me.  They had come to this drastic ending based on the fact that their goals/dreams had not been manifested yet.  I thought to myself how did can anyone jump from A to Z so quickly. 

As I tried to bring some rational thought to the situation it came to me.  Many of us give up on our vision because we think we have been dismissed when in reality we have been delayed. There is a huge difference between the two.  

It is all about ones perception.  Just because something has not come to pass in the time frame we calculated does not mean it is out of reach.  We must understand that time frames on goals are important, but not finite.  Especially in 2020!  Allow yourself grace and know you cannot give up. You are simply delayed and not dismissed



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