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Dedicated During A Deficit

my authentic me Mar 29, 2021

When you start on an endeavor be it business or a personal, there are certain expectations you have. What we plan doesn’t always fall neatly into place. Often there are unforeseen obstacles, delays, and setbacks that occur. This is the time when you must dig deep and have dedication during the deficit. 

Dedication is the act of being fully devoted to something, whether this is something intangible, such as a task, goal, or desired outcome, or something that you can feel yourself physically being a part of, such as such as a cause, religion, sports teams, or another person.

Hard times are bound to happen. It is a part of life. However, strength and dedication get you across in times like these. You realize that hopes and dreams aren’t enough but instead hard work and dedication are the way to achieve success.

This is largely the reason why many people sometimes never start out on the journey of self growth and discovery.  Maybe they have a feeling as if they always experience more downs than they do ups. This will leave them with little to no effort to even want to try. Instead, at this point your mindset has to remain optimistic and tough in order to work through the hardships and hope to come out on top.

When you are overwhelmed and feel like you are drowning from the setbacks, disappointments, and blows life throws your way it is tempting to throw in the towel.  No one would blame you for feeling this way.  However, you cannot give in!  You must continue to moving, arranging your next activities and following up on them with certainty and dedication.

In the event that achievement was anything but difficult to achieve, everyone would be fruitful. You must bear the tempest and stay concentrated on your vision. It would be devastating to look back and know that you quit right before you were about to reach the finish line. 

Martin Luther King Jr. said, “If you can’t fly, then run, if you can’t run then walk if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.”   The key is to just keep taking steps even if they are small ones.   There are will be days that you have slayed the day and then there will be those where you feel that you cannot achieve even the smallest of tasks.  You simply need to understand that ‘persistent’ activity is superior to no activity.

Being dedicated is a choice.  It’s a matter of believing in oneself and finding a way to reach the end result. When we hear of examples where others have overcome adversity, we ponder in astonishment. We may speculate that effective individuals were brought into the world with gifts we don’t have or that they have assets we can’t get to. This frequently fills in as a reason for us not being as effective ourselves.

The truth is since dedication is a choice we ALL the ability to overcome any obstacles that we face. So the next time you are faced with a trial that you think will pull you under instead of choosing to give up try using the following tips to stay dedicated during your deficit. 

1. Acknowledge and feel your feelings.  Don’t ignore your anxiety or stress.  Validate it and recreate it with more positive affirmations.

2. Talk about it. Express your concerns with a trusted friend or family member.  Sometimes all a situation needs is an outside perspective.

3. Try to see past the hardship. Try taking a step back and look past the present circumstances.  Maybe take a day away from what is causing your stress and come back with fresh eyes.

5. Ask yourself if you’re experiencing a catastrophe or an inconvenience. Sometimes we make a 2 a 10.  Take a moment to evaluate if what you are facing is indeed just a bump or a mountain.




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