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Back To Basics

myauthenticme Sep 14, 2020


No one can deny that  2020 has been the most difficult year that any of us have ever seen.  It has felt like around every corner there is a new bomb dropped. At best the atmosphere seems unstable and chaotic It is hard to see the light in the midst of all the darkness. It is enough to drive just about anyone mad.
I am sure we all have noticed people that were once kind and patient turn into a hostile and hatred individuals.  Personally I have been confronted by strangers who scream at me for having 16 items in the 15 items or less check out line.  I have witnessed people that were once considered friends turn on each other over wearing a mask.  We all have witnessed or experienced some pretty hateful behavior.  
We are all being tried during this season.  Everyone of us is under pressure from all angles.  No one is denying that.  My concern comes in when we as a society start turning on one another.  When everything little thing turns into  WWIII.  Where we make a mountains out of a mole hills.  A world that is divided like never before. 
This should be a time where humanity comes together.  A time when we reach out to help our fellow man more than ever before.  We should be showing the love of God instead of hate.  This should be a stage of growth.  Instead it has brought out the worst in too many. 
Do not misunderstand me.  I still see good in the world.  I see neighbor helping neighbor and change happening to better our world.  However, it is getting more difficult to point out with each passing day.  Maybe you are like me and you rarely watch the news or scroll through social media because all you see is madness.   Of course we all should be aware with current events, but we do have to be careful with what we feed ourselves. If you are only being fed the evil going on, then you will miss the beauty that is also manifesting. 
My disquietude comes from the good acts  being overshadowed by the wickedness.  There is  a song my aunt use to sing in church when I was a child.  It is called Basics Of Life.   It speaks of a time just as this.  We have turned our backs on the Lord.  Society has kicked him out of our everyday lives for too long and we are now seeing the results of what such actions bring. We have become obsessed feeding the flesh that our spirits are dying.  We have been living in a world of self absorption.  Society tells us that we deserve and NEED all the materials things the world offers.  We are teaching our children that money and status are more important then character and morals. Some may argue, but I truly believe that this is why God stopped the world as we know it.  He is giving us a call to action. A chance to reset our minds and spirits.  A time to get back to the basics. 
 I want to implore you to do  what is being asked of us.  Be a light in the midst of the darkness.  If you see someone being wronged, then come to their aide. Speak out WITH LOVE when injustice is transpiring.  Show kindness even when it is not returned.  If someone disagrees with you, then simply agree to disagree.  We must come to the point where we can fight for what we believe in and still show respect to our fellow man.  We must stop  becoming what we are fighting against.  
Until these changes materialize we will continue to see what we have been. Remember that nothing goes away until it has taught us what we need to learn.   I do not know about you, but I want the lessons mastered so we can move on!  I am confident God is making these adjustments as we speak.  I want to urge you to get back to the basics.  Ask God what He has for you in this season and then implement it into your life.  
 Lyrics to Basics Of Life
We've turned the page, for a new day has dawned We've re-arranged what is right and what's wrong Somehow we've drifted so far from the truth
That we can't get back home
Where are the virtues that once gave us light Where are the morals that governed our lives Someday we all will awake and
look back just to find what we've lost
We need to get back
To the basics of life
A heart that is pure
And a love that is blind
A faith that is fervently grounded in Christ
The hope that endures for all times
These are the basics, we need to get back
To the basics of life
The newest rage is to reason it out
Just meditate And you can overcome every doubt After all man is a God,
they say God is no longer alive
But I still believe in the old rugged cross
And I still believe there is hope for the lost And I know the rock of all ages will stand Through changes of time
We need to get back
To the basics of life
A heart that is pure
And a love that is blind
A faith that is fervently grounded in Christ
The hope that endures for all times
These are the basics, we need to get back
To the basics of life
We need to get back To the basics of life
A heart that is pure And a love that is blind
We need to get back
To the basics of life
A heart that is pure
And a love that is blind
A faith that is fervently grounded in Christ
The hope that endures for all times
These are the basics, we need to get back
To the basics of life

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