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The Power In A Daily Strategy

myauthenticme Feb 15, 2021

In my last blog I wrote about knowing and loving the skin you are in.  That is the foundation to living an authentic & purposeful life.  The next vital step would have to be knowing our most valuable resource.  

Our most precious resource is not money; it is time. More specifically, the ability to gift our time to ourselves, and others, in a manner which allows us to derive the maximum enjoyment from life. Of course, just like money; how you spend your time is critically important.

“Give us this day...  We are given a certain number of days to manifest what we were put here to achieve. We must learn to value our time and know how to us it wisely.  Appreciating time has had such a profound impact on me that it’s the frame in which I ask myself important questions. Are the things that made me happy 10 years ago still making me happy? What would make me happy 20 years from now? How much happier will more money make me? What should I spend my remaining time doing?  That’s why the sooner you really value your time and understand how limited it is, the more your decisions will take into account the big picture.

Far too often people think they have a tomorrow.  None of us are guaranteed another day.  I know that is not a popular thought, but the truth still remains.  You’ve heard the old adage, time waits for no-one, and it’s true. You can’t stop the clock or slow things down time is non-discriminate, and it’s going to keep going whether you want it to or not. Because time won’t wait for you, it becomes much more of a commodity, because every day we lose some of it. You have to make sure you do what you can to seize every opportunity and make the most of your time as much as possible. What you want to achieve in life is  governed by time, so stop waiting around for things to happen to you!

You have to pay attention to what you pay attention to. I have learned to implement various strategies to reassure that my time throughout each day is used as effectively as possible. The most beneficial tool I use to decide what events will make up my day is having the ability to care about something, but not let it consume my day.  Words cannot express how vital it is to be able to prioritize your calendar.  If you put everything and everyone on your daily to do list, then you will end up being stressed out by noon.  The result is you are not a help to anyone or anything.  Learn to give precedence to the most important things first.  Ask yourself can this wait until tomorrow?  Is this a 10/10 or a 2/10?  Is this problem the same issue this person or situation bring to you on a daily basis?  The answers to these questions will help you decide where to put your attention first. 

Once you have the ability to prioritize you must learn and fall in love with the word no!  I have watched leaders and people of influence drown in doing what they love most all because they lack the ability to say one word.  It might be from the inability to delegate or not wanting to let someone down.  Whatever the reason the result is the same.  You will suffocate if you do not learn to say no.  There is a negative connotation that follows being told no.  People feel let down, cast aside, or that they do not matter.  When in fact it means not at this moment or simply that someone needs more time to tend to your needs.  Because of this misperception the person saying no takes on guilt and shame.  STOP THIS!  You are not to blame for anything. You are merely one person trying to do as much as you can.  As long as you are clear that you want to assist and eventually will, then you need to relinquish those toxic feelings. Here is a helpful hint...the more you say no the easier it gets.  You will quickly see you have more peace and stability.  You are more helpful and effective when you are not stretched so thin. 

What does daily success look like to you to help you maintain your ID? Everyone’s is different.  Only you can answer this.  Ask yourself at the end of the day what is going to hep you accomplish your goals and strategies?  Do your best to avoid distractions throughout your day. The way I evaluate my time each day is knowing what areas to invest. My Pastor, Toure Roberts, stated t best with the following criteria. 

What situations need my attention the most

  1. Time-how much time do I have versus how much time is needed 
  2. Energy/ spirit-make sure to protect both throughout your day and if it drains you, then leave it for another time.
  3. Concern- is it important to your now (if you are concerned with everything, than you get nothing accomplished) learn to know what is a crisis
  4. Pearls- talents, gifts, anointing-how does this build and help me grow 






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