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Stop Fighting Spiritual Battles With Worldly Weapons

myauthenticme Sep 28, 2020

In my last blog I spoke about getting back to the basics.  Showing the foundation skills of human kindness.  Patience, love, and grace just to name a few.  I don’t know about you, but I am tired of the hate and slander that many people from ALL walks of life are displaying. 

From believer to nonbeliever and Republican to Democrat it seems that people are more focused on proving they are right instead of bringing forth authentic change.  As a former educator, to me, people participating in these exploits sound like my class of pre-k students fighting over a toy. The sad thing it is grown people behaving this way!

 I refuse to play a part of this ridiculous behavior.  I am here to shine a different light on the situation going on in our world.  I am sure I am not the only one that sees this, but we are fighting a battle of the mind with weapons of the flesh. Never in history has this worked, so I am not sure why people ( Christians especially) don’t see the difference. 

As the children of God I am seeing people verbally attack one another and their personal walk with Christ.  I am seeing people that I always thought to be God fearing followers judge others that have a different view based on where their journey has taken them.  I am seeing family member against family member and friend against friend.  You see all over social media verbal altercations, people unfriending, and blocking one another.  For what exactly?  What good does this do? Does it bring systemic racism to an end?  Does it make the real enemy fall to its knees? Does it make any real difference in the grand plan for authentic change?  NO!  Not at all. Fighting with fear and hate only brings about more of the same toxic environment that we are trying to change.  

If we take a step back and look at people we are fighting, then we could clearly see at our core we are saying the same thing.  We could see that the real enemy is not the one we are casting stones at.  If people were to take a breath,  I believe that they could see the reality of the situation.  That is too many are fighting with the flesh and that allows one to become what you are fighting against.  

Ephesians 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

The word of God clearly states that times like this will happen, but it also informs us who the real enemy is. It is NOT our neighbor, co worker, family member, or friend.  It is the spirit of evil. The darkness that wants to destroy the world and cause division. 

If you're a believer who is living like salt and light in a dark world, you won't go for long without encountering spiritual warfare - obstacles and attacks  hurled in  your direction. God reminds us in His word to stay aware of Satan’s schemes, to live alert in this world, and to stay close to Him.

Ephesians 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

He arms us with the sword, the Word of God, to stand against the enemy’s lies. He equips us with strength, wisdom, and discernment through His own Spirit to stay strong in the spiritual warfare battle. He invites us to spend time in His Presence, through prayer and worship, pressing in to know Him more.

Praying God’s words back to Him, is a powerful weapon against the forces of evil. It is truth going out. It reminds us that God knows our way and understands what we face today. It builds our faith and our trust in God. It guards our hearts and focuses our minds back on Him. It wins the battle.  Prayer + God's Word = Power

As we grow to know God’s Truth and what is real, we also know more what is false, and we are stronger to stand against it in the powerful name of Jesus. He never leaves us to fend for ourselves in a dark world, but reminds us He is constantly with us, fighting for us, even when we cannot see. 

Through prayer we can formulate a plan to fight intentionally. We will know where and how to  attack. That is fighting with purpose and  that is what will make lasting change.  I want to encourage you to take a walk in your neighborhood.  Talk to those you see in the store or on the streets.  Reach out to people in person over social media.  Drop whatever assumptions you might have of others and strike up a conversation.  Be a light in the world and see  what shines back.  My guess is you will be surprised how amazing this world and the people that occupy it really are!  




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