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Know & Love Skin You’re In

myauthenticme Feb 01, 2021

None of us are the same, and that is the beauty of creation. We all have a specific destiny to manifest.  No one is exactly like anyone else.  It would be a very boring and bland world if we all were identical wouldn’t it?  If we know this to be true, then why are so many depressed and feeling like their lives don’t matter. Truth be told it is because we fail to know our role. 

The chicken is happy is to be a chicken...they know who they are!  They do not pray for larger feathers to fly. They know they are the most asked for cuisine. They know they are not meant to soar in the sky and they most certainly know that they are not known to be majestic.  They know their purpose and that they are not like anyone else.

The eagle is majestic and functions on another level than the chicken. They soar through the sky unlike the chicken, but they are not in demand on anyone’s dinner plate. Though they are beautiful and can fly; they are not tasty and they accept that. 

Each have their purpose and role and they stick to it.  They were each created to play a different part.  Each have attributes and liabilities, but they know who they are.  Most important they are happy to play their role.

This is where the issue with humanity comes into play.  We want what others have.  Instead of knowing and accepting who we are meant to be we spend a lifetime striving to be something we were never destined to be. People will troll on t.v. and social media to get a snap shot of others.  Failing to realize that what they are seeing is fake. We miss the fact that this is not reality.  We assume that the person on our screen has it altogether.  That their life is so much more exciting and adventurous then our own.  

Next we start self loathing and dissecting every aspect of who and what we are.  We tell ourselves we are fat, ugly, or stupid. We convince ourselves that we are not worthy for success or happiness. We tell ourselves that we are unloveable.  As we continue to obsess the false image around us we continually feed ourselves lies that we will never amount to anything. When in reality this is a lie straight from the enemy. 

Perhaps the most toxic is that we may be alright in or role until someone better comes along.   It is a consistent fear of some people that someone will come along and steal their lime light. Maybe someone with a better singing voice, prettier, faster, or stronger comes into the scene.  Instead of embracing their talents and gifts we persecute and judge them based off of our own jealousy.  When this happens one does not realize that there is no real competition.  The next generation should be better and stronger.  If you never learn to embrace the notion that there is always a bigger talent out there.  Their presence does not diminish what you have achieved.  They are there to build on the foundation that you laid for them.

When my girls were younger I told them how amazing and special they were. That God had GREAT things in store for them.  Every parent does this to my knowledge.  Where I was different is that I also told them there will most certainly always be someone as smart or smarter.  I informed them that as beautiful as they are there is bound to be someone prettier. As talented as they were in sports and music there is inevitably going to be someone with just as much and I told them THAT WAS OK!  To me and their father they were everything.  They were ( and are) most special, talented, and breathtaking gifts from God.  The fact of the matter is though that is not the way the world works!  We felt we would be setting them up for failure and heartbreak if we allowed them to think they were the best at everything and no one could do better.  My husband and I taught them that they are amazing and blessed daughters of Christ, but never allow other people’s gifting to negatively effect their own.  No one can take away their anointing unless they give it away by thinking their in competition with others.  It was our goal to make them see that they are only in competition with themselves.  

As their mother I got a lot of negative feedback for this.  I was told I did not love my girls and that I was damaging their spirits.  I was mom shamed for years, but I stuck to my guns.  Years later I ave two amazing, well rounded, and successful daughters that cannot thank me enough for that life lesson. 

Wouldn’t it be amazing to live, work, and flow in a world where everyone knew their abilities and limitations.  Most of all that they were happy to play their role. Where no one compared themselves to others.  Peace comes from knowing and understanding that each of us has our own beauty and purpose. Everything will work out fine if we just stop trying to be like everyone else.  

My prayer is that the world would realize that we do not need information.  We need understanding.  Understanding that you are not a mistake or after thought.  An understanding that you have an important purpose to fulfill in life. You need to understand that like the chicken you were not meant to fly like the eagle. You need to understand that God did not make a mistake when He made you. You need to understand who you are so you can interact with others on another level and know who you are because you know your role. 

I see people get happy, but aren’t happy.  Those who dance, but have no joy.  Too many clap, but have no peace. Those that shout, but have no power.  I am fed up with this mindset taking the minds of those around me. The reason for this is that so many have not learned how to maximize their potential on their level.  We are too busy trying to be what we cannot be or what we are not called to do.  You will never find AUTHENTIC power or purpose when you are living someone else’s life.  

 Your ID IS the portal of how we show up in the world. It answers the question of who am I. We have been given the opportunity to find out who we truly are.  The world has slowed down.  We have time to sit and self reflect about who we are and what we are called to do.  

To know who you are is THE most important piece of knowledge one can attain. Who you see yourself as is how you show up in life! That’s why we must be self defined. All of us are praying and hoping for change in our lives.  We want purpose and acceptance.  You want to know that when you leave this Earth that you did what you were meant to do.  You will not be able to manifest your destiny by living as someone else.  You cannot say hello to your amazing future until you say goodbye to the false images you have created. 

Start to get to know the real you today.  Do not let 2020 be for nothing.  Take the time and do the necessary work to birth the amazing person you are called to be. Sit with your thoughts and ask yourself these questions from pastor, Toure’  Roberts. The key is to be honest and sincere. Reflect what 2020 brought you through.  What did you do right? what would you like to change moving forward?  Take this moment in time and ask who are you now and where you want to be tomorrow.  You do not only owe it to yourself, but to those that you are meant to bless!

1. What did I learn?

2. What did I gain?

3. What did I lose?

4. What did I love & did it love me back?

5. Where did I find value? Was it healthy?

6. What were my priorities and were they profitable?

7. Who am I now?

8.What do I need to daily to maintain that identity and life out that destiny


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