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God Told Me To... Get Lost!!

your authentic you Apr 13, 2020

As I was praying and contemplating God's definition and understanding of what Purpose and Destiny really were he spoke clearly to my spirit these two words... GET LOST!! I thought to myself, I must not have heard Him right. He continued to repeat this to my spirit over and over for several minutes until it hit me. He clarified His words as follows.
If you Recognize the path you are now on, then that's evidence you've past that way before! You'll never find true Purpose until you Get Lost. Until the path you walk looks new, different, & potentially fearful you're just walking around the same mountain again.
The problem with the Familiar is it doesn't inspire growth. It's comforts only tend to hold one back and cause them to allow for mediocrity to cement itself as the accepted norm.
Les Brown said if you're the smartest one in our group you need to find a new group! Go somewhere and associate with people who make you feel dumb. People who challenge you and how you think, and act, and feel about life and people, and things around you.
Familiarity also breeds complacency. It's comforts of the familiar leads to idleness and a lack of imagination. It tells you that you've done enough. I believe most people live their lives in this complacent state the majority of the time. The occasional spark of inspiration often wanes after a few short days or weeks of struggle then they resort back to the familiar.

The Bible says we were all created in His image and likeness. This actually refers to more than just our shape. This refers to our abilities, our creativity, and our giftings. Most people think that Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden because they ate of the forbidden fruit. Nope. That's not true. 

He admitted that Genesis 3:22 - And the Lord God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for everTherefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken. God removed Adam and Eve because didn't want them living forever in a fallen state by eating from the Tree of Life after eating from the Tree of Knowledge.
Our ability to create and become what He envisioned for us from the foundation of the world is what He calls our Destiny! And our Purpose is what leads us to and reveals what ones true Authentic Destiny is.
Much like the lives of Abraham, Moses, and King David, Destiny is never revealed in its fullness from the beginning. God usually gives us a general overview. You get a glimpse, a whisper, or a vision of the end results then He allows process of Purpose to show us the way. Your Authentic Destiny is only manifested as you walk it out each day. We waste valuable time "waiting" on answers that will only be revealed by righteous actions of obedience and faith.

I'd like to encourage you to embrace the uncomfortable! Understand that your breakthrough, your future, your hopes and dreams are hid behind the doors that lead to unfamiliar paths. Be Brave enough to not only open the door, but walk through it by faith. I'm not speaking about being wreckless, but following the voice in your heart that's been telling you there's more in life for YOU! If you're in a dead end job, start planning to transition to something you love or feel you're called to. Are you in a broken 
relationship? Understand you must either remove yourself or prayerfully consider what's needed to change it into what is healthy and prosperous. Most importantly, stop living your life by accident. Stop reacting to what your environment throws at you each day causing you turmoil, frustration, and dissatisfaction. Rather than being "Reactive" plan and become "Proactive" with your life. What has God inspired you to do? 

This won't be an overnight change, but making small changes to your habits and thoughts about your value and desires will help you accomplish the Purposes that lead you to your Destiny!

In Conclusion, I encourage you to Get Lost! Allow your frustration with "life as it is" to inspire you to walk unfamiliar paths. Embrace the truth that every potential pain, struggle, and failure will lead to an Authentic peace, fulfilled Purpose, and Destiny no one can take from you! I know I'm not alone in how this revelation hit me. And neither are you. I appreciate your comments so please Tag, Like, and Share this post with your friends and family to encourage them as well.

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