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Dreams Vs Schemes

my authentic me Jul 13, 2020
We are  born to create!  It is embedded in each of us to be a part of something bigger that ourselves. This is where dreams come into play. A dream is defined as a series of thoughts and images that will not go away.  We all have them.  These are the things that we want to do or accomplish in our lifetime.  Maybe you wanted to be a doctor when you grew up, you might have wanted to be the one to find a cure for cancer, or maybe you wanted to grow up to be a school teacher.  Have you ever asked why certain people make their dreams a reality; while others fail to even attempt their own? 

The answer to this question is about mindset and perception of our surroundings. Too often we get distracted by the schemes that are thrown at us.  A scheme is defined a large-scale systematic plan or arrangement for attaining some particular object or putting a particular idea into effect.  Often times we mistake a scheme for a dream.  Most of us start out with every intention on fulfilling what we think we want, but we must ask ourselves is this truly a dream or a scheme.  A dream is what you are passionate about.  It is what makes you tick.  A dream creates a drive in you that nothing can stop. With a dream, you can see how future generations will be blessed from what you are striving to do today.   A dream will not go away!

On the other hand, a scheme is a distraction that keeps you from your true calling.  ā€‹Maybe your family pressured you/told you to become a lawyer, and you just grew up thinking  they were right. Maybe you feel that you have to portray a certain career for image sake or maybe others have beat you down with their words that you do not feel worthy enough to dream at all. Whatever the reason, these are all schemes from the enemy to stop you from reaching your true purpose in life.  We cannot fall for the devil's devices.  Schemes are plans of distractions to take our mindset and efforts away from fulfilling our destiny. We must wake up and see what they are, and not let them stop us from doing what we were born to do.

I want to challenge everyone to evaluate where you are in life.  Are you happy?  Are you doing what you LOVE? Do you have passion about the work you are doing? Are you making the impact in life that you use to dream about?  If you cannot answer yes to these questions, then maybe you have fallen for the schemes of life.  Maybe you fell for the old trick that you are not capable or worthy of that dream.  Maybe you got distracted by the naysayers and doubters that whispered in your ear you could not accomplish something big based on where you came from.  Again, it does not matter the reason.  If you have fallen for these distractions...these schemes it is time to wake up.  It is never too late to start the very  unique and  personal  journey where your faith ignites your passion, and the relentless pursuit of purpose reveals your authentic destiny. 

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