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You are only as strong as the awareness of your weaknesses

my authentic me Jun 08, 2020

Many are wondering why others seem to be more successful and reach the goals they set for themselves. Yet when they try they seem to fall short every time. The difference between those that do and those that don’t is simple... knowing your weaknesses. 

I am sure we all have heard that you are only as strong as your weakest link. The same can be said when it  comes to us personally.   We are in a time where life as we know it has stopped and the world seems like it turned upside down.  I like to think it is turning right side up. Nonetheless, many people have been asking themselves where they fit into this new world. They are wondering why what once fulfilled them is suddenly no longer what they want to do.  You might be feeling anxious and like you are in a state of limbo. You know you are called for more, but are not sure where to start looking.  The first step is looking within.

You are not alone.  Many clients and friends have come to me as a Life Strategist and asked me what it is they are dealing with.  I tell them that you are being called to the next level.  We all have been thrusted into a time where God has our full attention.  We are being forced to be alone with our own thoughts and feelings. For some it is a very scary place to be.

Too often we are scared to be alone.  We don’t want to sit  and reflect on where we are at in life verses where we know we should be.  Instead we fill up our time with distractions.  They could be meaningful, but still keep you from what you know you need to be doing. 

All this has been taken away and we are being forced to take a moment and look in the mirror.  As you take the time to reflect it is imperative you figure out who God is calling you to be as we enter this new season in life.  I know you might be afraid to look at those dark places of your mind that you have avoided for so long.  You may want to bottle them up and push them down even deeper.  I am here to tell you that He will not allow you to continue to do so.

You are being forced to face your fears and weaknesses.  This is a vital step in order to grow into the best version you are meant to be for the next level God has for you. Start out by listing your weaknesses and getting to know your triggers. Ask yourself the tough questions that make you think of who and what you are in your core.

When you achieve this level of self reflection the power and knowledge  that you gain is limitless.  When you know what areas you are weak in you can do the work to improve them and grow stronger. When you know what situations or people trigger you, then you can control your actions when faced you come face to face with them. By putting yourself into what use to be awkward or stressful situations you train yourself on how to better handle anything that is thrown at you. 

When you step into your new normal what once held you back will be what motivates you to move forward.  You will have built something inside of you that will never lose and no one can take away!  It all starts with knowing your weaknesses! 


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